Western Horse Riding
For more equestrian information
or to book
Ron: (087) 648 5830
Marleen: (086) 223 6076
Or Email: rweisz@eircom.net

Riding Lessons
€30.00 per person per hour.
For adults & children over the age of five.
Drumcoura City has an Equestrian Centre specialising in Western Horse Riding. If you have ever dreamed about riding an American Horse like the ones in the Western films, this is the place for you. Even beginners will learn western riding with a few lessons.
More info:
Largest indoor riding arena in the County
Two large outdoor riding arenas
Enclosed round pen for training horses
Enclosed six horse walker
30 good quality Stables – we can provide stables for show events at €15.00 per night which includes hay and bedding
Western Riding with qualified instructors and with western trained horses
Mare and foal stables for breeding
Registered with AIRE and Equestrian Tourism
Purpose built forest trail and gallops
We have trails on our own land (safe with no vehicles) and is part of our lesson plans, weather permitting